An Airplane in the Tree
I heard my daddy say “That boy sure likes that Christmas tree, doesn’t he?” He picked me up and held me near the tree as he said “Hey boy, you won’t have to wait until morning for every thing. Reach in there and get that Airplane.” Sure enough, sitting in the branches of the tree amid the lights and tinsel was a cross shaped rubber toy .
I reached out and took it in my hands. He called it an airplane, but that did not mean anything to me, so I just held it and chewed on it.
After a bit, he said, “Come here boy, let me show you how to fly that airplane.” He took it from me, and holding it high, moved around the room making a humming sound.
I did not understand why, but now I knew how to play with an airplane.
Copyright 2012© Willie E. Weaver
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Copyright 2012© Willie E. Weaver
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